my flatmates have got warms!!!!

current mood: tired


Proverbs and saying are a means of power and control... They're so irrational, often contradictory but they still rule in some parts of the world.....

Like in my room, for example. It's 9am and one of my flatmates has already cleaned all the floors.... my roommate has styled up herself and opened her books on the law....and the window and the door... so I woke up! Fortunately, I had been wise enough and predicted the situation and I had gone to bed at 1am and took a whole sleeping pill in order to be productive in the early morning...

Francis Bacon, as I was told, died of having to get up early to teach a Scandinavian queen (don't remember which one, maybe Danish?). Is it going to be my fate as well? If I could choose, I'd rather die of progressive paralysis like Nietzsche, cause there's nothing worse than dying slowly every early morning...

Well, maybe my early-bird-flatmates have caught all the warms but I have just invented another disease called The Early-Bird Flu.... which is carried by the early birds and is fatal to "the night birds" - I deedicate the disease to Francis Bacon - in memoriam!!!

Fortunatly, I have my weapons - a Chilean saying which says something like: "Don't think that if you get up early, the day will start sooner".

PS: I like my flatmates, they're very nice, we just have different biorythms.

This text was originally written for my myspace blog

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